Dreams Don’t Work Unless You Do!

Don’t wait for opportunities. Create them.

Sakshi Sandeep
4 min readOct 11, 2021

Have you ever heard that quote? “Don’t wait. The time will NEVER be just right.” This highlights a habit that many of us share, — waiting until circumstances are “right” to go forth and do what we want to do. While this might seem like a logical argument, it is procrastinations' greatest ally.

May it be the time issue or waiting on another factor such as money to be perfect, that does not mean you should sit stagnant TODAY! Everyone is searching for outside circumstances to give them what they want when instead, it begins with yourself. Everything worthy and worth-it begins from the inside out. Push yourself because no one else is going to do it for you.

Sometimes there’s a need for awakening your inner monster to begin with. Here’s how to kick-start:

How to wake up your Inner-Monster?

“Set Goals that interests you, Not chores that suppress.”

When you set a goal, it gives you a direction to focus on one that’s measurable and has an endpoint. Choose goals that interest you. You’re much more likely to stay motivated if you’re working towards something that you genuinely want to do or achieve, rather than what other people want for you. This can help you to stay motivated.

Break your ultimate goal down.

Things can get a little overwhelming if you are just looking at the end goal. Start with easier tasks and work your way up to higher challenges. Breaking up a task in your mind into achievable chunks helps build confidence.

Make an action plan, Plot down your progress.

Put together a plan of all the little steps you need to get to your goal. Try and include a timeline so that you can see if you are sticking to it or even putting off your sub-goals until the perfect time. This plan does not have to be final! Don’t expect your plan to go accordingly, just try to make it the most. It can change and help monitor your progress along the way.

Use rewards.

Promise yourself some sort of reward each time you complete a step/task. Some tasks or even stretches in your ‘walk of life’ are entirely back-breaking, in which case, it can be helpful to create external motivators for yourself over the short to medium term.

There is no excuse for not trying.

Don’t keep making excuses for why you can’t do something or progress in life. Those choices are all in your control. Make another choice and not an excuse if something doesn’t work out. Ask yourself, what have you been putting off that you could be doing today? Why not do it now? It will make your path more comprehensive.

If you can dream it, you can do it.

If you know what you genuinely want in life, you feel it as your pure will and purpose. Everyone has a dream. However, it takes a lot of patience and hard work to accomplish it. Putting your desires into reality is a serious business. Don’t be afraid to dream. If you put hard work towards something, anything is possible.

“Infuse your life with action. Don’t wait for it to happen. Make it happen. Make your own future. Make your own hope. Make your own love. And whatever your beliefs are, honor your creator, not by passively waiting for grace to come down from upon high, but by doing what you can to make grace happen, right now, right down here on Earth.”

-Bradley Whitford

It doesn’t have to be hard. It doesn’t have to be painful. It can be easy. It can be fun. It can and will be rewarding. Change your mindset around your beliefs. It’s never the situation that’s at fault, it’s the way you choose to view it. It’s on you to create your own gaps, and it’s on you to take your own leaps.

The truth is, taking your life to the next stage doesn’t have to be complicated. So, if you’d like to take the first step to achieve your purpose, the time to work on it is now! Don’t worry about getting it right. Just Get Started!

